Always up to date and available
With dCompany, you will always have the most recently updated articles of association digitally available. The same applies to previously saved versions. For the automated decisions, the articles of association are automatically updated, including for a bilingual version if it is used.

Eliminate manual maintenance
For the automated decisions, the articles of association are automatically updated, including for a bilingual version if it is used.
This also applies to previously saved versions.

Keep full history
You can always find previous versions of the statutes stored on the platform.
Many people appreciate that the latest version of the statutes is always available in the same place, regardless of who has updated the statutes. For some, it may also be useful to have earlier versions of the articles of association lying around.
- Integration between dBot and the statutes so that the statutes are automatically updated for automated decisions
- Possibility of bilingual articles of association, also for the automated decisions
- Access to historical statutes stored on the platform
- Possibility of manual adjustment of the statutes