Terms of use

User Terms 

These user terms govern your use of the services delivered by dCompany AS, Norwegian business register number 925 885 681 (“dCompany”). You accept that these user terms may be amended from time to time. The latest version of the user terms can always be found here [link]. 

You accept that the services are not intended for consumer purposes, and that you do not act as a consumer in your use of the services. 

dCompany’s provision of services to the legal entity which is registered as Customer, is exclusively governed by the General Terms and Conditions [link]. 


1.1 You are responsible for keeping login credentials to the services confidential. dCompany is not responsible for unauthorized access to the services through your user account or other unauthorized access caused by your failure to keep login credentials confidential. 

1.2 dCompany may monitor your access to and use of the services. 

1.3 You are responsible for ensuring that files and data which you upload to the services are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and do not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third parties. 

1.4 You shall provide correct and complete information in your use of the services. You especially guarantee that you will not register incorrect information about management or ownership interests in any legal entity, or in other ways use the services to create the appearance of being or representing a different legal or natural person. 


2.1 You shall not, and will not allow any user or third party to: 

(a) try to copy, change, duplicate, make derived works from, mirror or distribute any part of the services and/or associated documentation; 

(b) access any part of the services in order to develop or make available a product or a service which may compete with the services; 

(c) use the services in order to provide services or products based on the services to any third party; 

(d) introduce or allow the introduction of viruses or other malware into dCompany’s networks and IT systems. 


3.1 Nothing in these user terms may be interpreted as a transfer of intellectual property rights between the parties. dCompany retains any and all rights to the services and intellectual property rights associated with the services. 


3.2 If you give feedback or suggestions regarding the services, dCompany (and those authorized by dCompany) may use such information without obligations to you. 


4.1 dCompany will process your personal data, including personal data in and about your user profile, as a controller. You may read more about this in dCompany’s Privacy Statement. [link] 


5.1 Both you and dCompany undertake to treat all information exchanged or received in connection with the services and these user terms, which is not publicly available, as confidential information. Such confidential information shall not be disclosed to third parties without the prior written approval of the other party. Each party shall take reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized disclosure of the other party’s confidential information. This non-disclosure obligation shall persist even after the expiry of the user terms. 

5.2 The confidentiality obligations in section 5.1 shall not prevent dCompany from publishing or otherwise sharing information which the Customer uploads to the services where the information is, or will by its nature become, publicly available information, for example about the identity of shareholders, beneficial owners or board members of a company. 


6.1 These user terms apply for as long as you use the services. 

6.2 dCompany may cancel your access to the services with immediate effect if dCompany has reason to believe that you use the services in breach of these user terms or in violation of applicable laws or regulations, or otherwise in a manner which may be substantially detrimental for dCompany. 

6.3 Your access to the services expires when the termination of the agreement between dCompany and the legal entity on behalf of which you use the services, is effective. From the same time, dCompany may delete or deactivate your user account and delete all your data which are stored in the services. This does not apply to user accounts or data which are directly linked to subscriptions which are not terminated. It is your responsibility to make copies of data stored in the services before termination takes effect, in order to avoid permanent loss of such data. 


7.1 dCompany does not provide legal or other advisory services, and the information provided through the services does not constitute legal advice. You and/or the legal entity you represent are responsible for doing your own assessments related to the information which is provided and the documents which are generated through the services. 

7.2 You accept that the services are provided as is, without warranties of any kind. Use of the services takes place at your own risk, and dCompany has no liability for any damage to your content, systems, service platform or units which you make use of in order to avail yourself of the services. You further acknowledge 


that the information provided through the services is based to a significant degree on information gathered from you, the legal entity you represent and/or third parties, and that dCompany can not under any circumstances be held liable for errors, deficiencies or inaccuracies in such information or in calculations or other information being generated on the basis of such information. 

7.3 dCompany’s liability for any damages related to your use of the services is limited to NOK 1 000 per calendar year. 


8.1 These user terms and any dispute which may arise from the user terms and/or the use of the services, shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of Norway, regardless of choice of law principles. 

8.2 Any dispute, disagreement or claim which may arise in connection with these user terms, shall be finally settled by the courts of Oslo, Norway. 


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We are here to help you

Contact Morten on +47 95218403
or send an email to morten@dcompany.no