Do you comply with the Swedish Companies Act’s requirement to register all transactions in the shareholder register?

Many companies do not fulfill this duty today by only having a snapshot of who owns shares in the company. There are also many people who do not keep track of share numbers, even though this is a legal requirement.

dCompany allows you to register most forms of transactions on the platform, such as the transfer of shares by purchase/sale, inheritance or gift. The transactions are automatically recorded in the transaction log and give you full corporate memory, such as what capital has been paid in. It is possible to reverse already registered transactions.

The platform supports most transactions. In addition to the transfer of shares, currently supported dividend, group contribution, split, split, capital increase, capital reduction or conversion of shares.

The transaction module ensures that you comply with the Norwegian Companies Act’s requirement to register all transactions in the shareholder register . Many companies do not fulfill this duty today by only having a snapshot of who owns shares in the company. There are also many people who do not keep track of share numbers, even though this is a legal requirement.

For many players, it is important to keep control of paid-in capital per share to avoid withholding tax or dividends. Such paid-in capital can normally be repaid without withholding tax or dividend tax. Private shareholders, certain foreign companies and companies that are not part of the same tax group can therefore save significant tax.

Good to know

  • It is easy to keep the shareholder book up to date by recording the transactions
  • The transaction module also keeps track of share numbers, so you don’t have to manually track them
  • Changes in ownership are shown immediately in the share owner’s book and appear on the owner’s map after 24 hours at the latest
  • All registered transactions appear in the transaction log and it is possible to click on details for each transaction
  • Decisions generated in dBot can be automatically transferred to the shareholder book
  • The transaction module is integrated with the shareholder register task , ensuring that it can be submitted without significant additional work
  • If you make a mistake or there is a need to change, you can easily reverse registered transactions
  • Who has registered the transactions is logged so that you always have control

Register transactions yourself or leave it to advisors

New foundation

Stock per date

Buy Sell



Increase in denomination


Reduction of face value

Deletion of shares




Conversion of shares

Group contribution


  • Option to update the shareholder register on an ongoing basis
  • Ongoing automatic updating of share numbers regardless of transaction type
  • Full integration with dBot so that transactions documented using the platform are automatically registered in the shareholder book
  • Full transaction log with the option to click into details for each transaction
  • Possibility to reverse already registered transactions
  • Traceability and indication of who has undertaken the registration
  • Integration with the shareholder register task
Petter Reistad, CEO of Celsia
Logo Celsius

Very time-saving.
dCompany is very responsive to feedback and has a customer focus in development.

The service has a user interface that does not require training to be used.

Petter Reistad

Your portfolio is already ready

Log in with BankID and we’ll find all the companies you have rights on behalf of.
You can also easily request access to other companies you manage, such as your employer.

Get a personal demo

Choose a time that suits you, and we will meet digitally.

Smart start

When you open a company for the first time, share and company information is automatically retrieved so you don’t have to enter this manually 🚀.

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