Home > Roles > Board secretaries

Board secretaries

The task of board secretary is often assigned to a CFO/financial director, general manager or other dedicated person. The role is not defined in the Companies Act, and it is up to the individual company to define the detailed content of this.

Sometimes the board secretary’s task is to keep minutes of the board meeting and nothing else. In other cases, the role of board secretary includes a more holistic responsibility for going through the board meetings and possibly also the general meetings, including:

  • Update of the yearbook for board meetings
  • Convening and conducting board meetings
  • Preparation of minutes from the board meeting
  • Calling for a general meeting and preparation of minutes from the general meeting

Board secretaries will be particularly interested in the possibility to call and conduct board meetings and general meetings on the dCompany platform:

  • Sending notice to all board members
  • Automated generation of management protocol
  • Option for the board secretary to record the minutes directly in the meeting since even in free text matters it is not necessary to do anything other than add the text under the individual item
  • [Bruk av AI-assistent for å ferdigstille utkast til saker som er generert som fritekst]
  • [Bruk av AI-assisten for å oversette direkte i protokollen der det benyttes tospråklig protokoll]
  • Sending draft minutes to the members of the board
  • Signing of protocol directly from the platform

Board secretaries

The task of board secretary is often assigned to a CFO/financial director, general manager or other dedicated person. The role is not defined in the Companies Act, and it is up to the individual company to define the detailed content of this.

Sometimes the board secretary’s task is to keep minutes of the board meeting and nothing else. In other cases, the role of board secretary includes a more holistic responsibility for going through the board meetings and possibly also the general meetings, including:

  • Update of the yearbook for board meetings
  • Convening and conducting board meetings
  • Preparation of minutes from the board meeting
  • Calling for a general meeting and preparation of minutes from the general meeting

Board secretaries will be particularly interested in the possibility to call and conduct board meetings and general meetings on the dCompany platform:

  • Sending notice to all board members
  • Automated generation of management protocol
  • Option for the board secretary to record the minutes directly in the meeting since even in free text matters it is not necessary to do anything other than add the text under the individual item
  • [Bruk av AI-assistent for å ferdigstille utkast til saker som er generert som fritekst]
  • [Bruk av AI-assisten for å oversette direkte i protokollen der det benyttes tospråklig protokoll]
  • Sending draft minutes to the members of the board
  • Signing of protocol directly from the platform

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